Wednesday, August 5, 2009

new blog?

Working on a new blog to capture our life and what its up to... I'll keep you posted.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

so much to do, so little time

i just don't understand why i still put in the effort to be friends with people who don't give that same effort back. im so sick of the drama & immature acquaintances i have. i really need a vacation.

i have so much to do... i need to pack up everything that CAN be packed ( aside from the occasional silverware & dishware ), get rid of the things i don't want to pack -- so that i can stop LOOKING at it... and then i still have to get a photo taken for my passport for December... and the sooner the better 'cus we might go to Vancouver this November for our 1 yr anniversary. I also have what feels like a zillion dollars in bills that I need/want to pay off before the year end.

The realtor told us we can rent our condo for $795/mo ( we pay $994 right now! ) and we just have to put another $500 earnest money down -- which we get back when we buy the condo! I'm hoping Ryan's cred score jumped with the car loan being paid off -- his is the one that is really hurting the most 'cus he has limited credit and not good history with that. I hope Ryan's paycheck is at least $2000 this week so we can just pay ALL bills... even if I have to pay off a CC to put them all back on it... I have good cred w/AmEx so I don't mind paying it off and refilling it... we usually use it only for cell phone, tv, grocery & gas anyways. We managed to buy a week YES A WEEK (an no, not just pasta & frozen foods) worth of groceries @ albertsons for $24.. woot go me! We save $15 in store coupons!!!

I guess that above statement is also true 'cus Ryan is only home for dinner... we never buy cereal or breakfast items 'cus they go to spoil & rot. Every once in awhile we'll buy it, but we'll only eat like half a box or so.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Thursday, July 2, 2009

when you run out of canned food...

make your own! sort of. well, that's what i did tonight for my doggy cooper who is hotter than heck in this hot hot heat! i don't personally care for those $1.00 cans of pedigree food --- which looks just like a bunch of fat & raw veggies in my opinion. so today since we were out of it, i made a puree which we loved (and im sure refreshed his hot body)...

6 baby carrots (sliced into little circles)
1/2 small red apple (no seeds!)
1 tsp peanut butter
about 3-4 ounces fresh cold water

blend for about 20-30 seconds, it will be a bit runny (you can strain it if you want just the puree for your pooch). then serve it to your dog. when i made this it was about 3 servings, so i stuck the other 2 servings in the fridge for later on. i don't know about you, but when it's hot out my dog does not like to eat... which worries me!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

help us furnish our condo!!

Or just go here and enter either of our names!

Friday, June 19, 2009

do you ever?

do you ever have that feeling that some things were meant to be... for you, not for everyone else? ya see, i do.

at gramma lucille's memorial today i totally felt that way. this is what i feel...

*85* was her milestone... a legacy to all! She celebrated that with such joy in September 2008!

*I* was her last "grandchild" wedding... i always had a bonding with my uncle dave, it was hard when we had to say goodbye to him in 2001 (yes, im aware that im not really lucille's grandchild, but she has always been my 'other' grandma)

*Ruby* was born early so that grandma can report that to "grandpa dave" as to how beautiful she really is... (ruby's grandfather in heaven)

...just things I look at that most others don't pay attention to. She will be missed so much ...her warm smile, her soft voice and her loving hugs. It's so surreal to think she isn't with us in body anymore, but here in spirit... She really is the sweetest lady I've ever met... and when she was younger?? oh boy was she a knock out!!! So glamorous and proper... she aged so well, I hope I can too!!!

Unfortunately she sailed away having let cancer win the battle... do your part & quit smoking, donate to cancer research & love those who have conquered it!! There is no greater gift than love & faith.

We love you Lucille!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

my calling...

coming soon...

** the urban chick **

funky & spunky designs for
women - men - children - pets - home
handmade apparel & designs
all one of a kind!

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