Tuesday, July 14, 2009

so much to do, so little time

i just don't understand why i still put in the effort to be friends with people who don't give that same effort back. im so sick of the drama & immature acquaintances i have. i really need a vacation.

i have so much to do... i need to pack up everything that CAN be packed ( aside from the occasional silverware & dishware ), get rid of the things i don't want to pack -- so that i can stop LOOKING at it... and then i still have to get a photo taken for my passport for December... and the sooner the better 'cus we might go to Vancouver this November for our 1 yr anniversary. I also have what feels like a zillion dollars in bills that I need/want to pay off before the year end.

The realtor told us we can rent our condo for $795/mo ( we pay $994 right now! ) and we just have to put another $500 earnest money down -- which we get back when we buy the condo! I'm hoping Ryan's cred score jumped with the car loan being paid off -- his is the one that is really hurting the most 'cus he has limited credit and not good history with that. I hope Ryan's paycheck is at least $2000 this week so we can just pay ALL bills... even if I have to pay off a CC to put them all back on it... I have good cred w/AmEx so I don't mind paying it off and refilling it... we usually use it only for cell phone, tv, grocery & gas anyways. We managed to buy a week YES A WEEK (an no, not just pasta & frozen foods) worth of groceries @ albertsons for $24.. woot go me! We save $15 in store coupons!!!

I guess that above statement is also true 'cus Ryan is only home for dinner... we never buy cereal or breakfast items 'cus they go to spoil & rot. Every once in awhile we'll buy it, but we'll only eat like half a box or so.